Brian Pendleton, original rhythm guitarist with sixties UK R&B group The Pretty Things, appears in Don't Look Back, in the scene relating to the broken glass, then in the scene where Donovan and Bob Dylan play acoustic guitar straight afterwards. Brian is first seen in the film when the argument is in full swing about the broken glass between Dylan and the young man he thinks knows something about it. Brian stays out of it initially, then can be seen trying to calm things down. He is the tall fair haired young man wearing a dark jacket who has his hand on someone's shoulder trying to calm them. Afterwards when Dylan has recovered his composure somewhat, he mentions a cowboy hat and I am almost certain it is Brian exclaiming "You're joking!" in response to Dylan's remarks. Donovan then plays for those assembled, and Brian is now standing against the door of the room, having apparently given up his seat for Bob. Brian is listening but begins to sway around a bit as if very sleepy (for whatever reason!) As Dylan is about to play, Brian is in the same place but now sitting down (and the door is closed). He may actually be asleep; this is a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment I only saw when playing the film at a very slow speed. Brian Pendleton (1944-2001) played rhythm guitar with the Pretty Things who enjoyed hits such as Rosalyn, Don't Bring Me Down and Honey I Need, from their formation in 1963 until the end of 1966, when he left the band for various reasons but mainly due to exhaustion. He also quit the music business and kept a low profile thereafter. In 1994 a Pretty Things fan traced him and he agreed to an interview; during this interview - the only one he is known to have given - he mentioned meeting Bob Dylan via the musician Derroll Adams and appearing in Don't Look Back. He went 'night-clubbing' with Dylan a few times and was apparently quite friendly with him. Brian died of lung cancer on 16th May 2001. I run a website dedicated to Brian's life, music and memory: From Nicola Martin-Gathern, Jan 15, 2006